Collaborating for Safety

Collaborating for Safety

A safety committee is an effective way to bring employees and management together to achieve and maintain a safe and healthy workplace. Some states even mandate that employers establish and administer a safety committee, or hold safety meetings, to communicate and evaluate safety and health issues.

Safety committees can help your workplace:

  • Identify problems and recommend solutions through conversations with workers.
  • Advise management and teams on safety matters pertaining to the organization’s operations.
  • Develop policies and programs to mitigate hazards unique to your workplace.
  • Improve communication with leadership about safety concerns and operational issues.
  • Reinforce management’s commitment to employee safety.
  • Reduce inefficiencies and decrease injuries by implementing better work practices.
  • Increase employee safety awareness and knowledge.
  • Promote positive safety culture.

Visit to access plans and  tools to help you organize your safety committee, assign responsibilities and hold effective meetings.

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