Conducting an Effective Safety Committee Meeting
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Conducing an Effective Safety Committee Meeting
When hosting a safety committee meeting, the committee chairperson should call the group to order, assign a member to take minutes and proceed with business.
The conventional order of business for a safety committee meeting is as follows:
- Call to order
- Attendance sign in
- Review previous meeting minutes
- Discuss any old or unfinished business
- Review previously submitted recommendations
- Update status on special assignments or any other pending old business
- Analyze recent accidents/incidents
- Review of recent accidents/incidents to include near misses
- Summarize trends, including frequency, departments, activities, etc.
- Conduct and review root cause analysis
- Follow or assign corrective actions
- Review safety inspections and recommendations
- Discuss and assign any corrective actions
- Safety education
- Propose opportunities for new training topics
- Discuss new business
- Review committee submitted safety suggestions and/or issues
- Comment on new safety procedures, equipment, etc.
- Invite a subject matter expert to speak on a specific concern, safety best practice, etc.
- Schedule the next committee meeting
- Determine action items and assignments
- Adjournment
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