Emergency Preparedness – Why You Need A Written Plan

Emergency Action Planning

As September’s National Preparedness Month comes to a close, we encourage you to review your organization’s emergency procedures. No matter the situation, every workplace should have a written emergency action plan (EAP) that outlines processes for monitoring and responding to changing conditions and communicating with employees. When developing or reviewing your plan, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is there a safety team assigned to owning/revising the plan?
  • Have emergency-escape routes been developed and communicated to all employees?
  • Do employees who control critical operations before evacuating know their procedures?
  • Is the emergency alarm warning system recognizable and understandable above ambient conditions?
  • Are alarm systems tested regularly – at least annually?
  • Do employees know their responsibilities for the following activities:
    • Responding to emergency alert systems and warnings
    • Reporting emergencies
    • Contacting emergency responders
    • Performing rescue and medical duties

For more information on preparing for emergencies, visit our Resource Library.

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